Nectarine~Basil Jam. Nectar for humans, inspired by a hummingbird, and by a very dear friend.

Wednesday was a very sad day. A dear friend of ours passed away unexpectedly. I have spent the last few days doing the one sure thing that always makes me feel better when I am blue. Cooking.
Terry was one of the finest, most industrious and most cheerful people I've ever known. He and his wife Susan have a wonderful home on Mason Lake. All types of birds like to gather in their yard, thanks to the birdfeeders they lovingly keep full for them.
The day after Terry died, I was sitting in my home office, with the balcony door open. I had a big batch of nectarine perserves cooking. Such a pretty color. As cut-up nectarines cook, the skins of the nectarines turn their syrup the most beautiful ruby color, not unlike the color found on some local hummingbirds.
As I sat in my office typing, I heard the unmistakeable chee-chee-chee chirp of a hummingbird. I looked out my open door, and there was a hummingbird, having such a wonderful time eeking tiny bits of nectar from my basil plants, which have started to flower. It hit me. I needed to add basil to my nectarine jam. It all started to come together. Terry was so much like this hummingbird, and please excuse me if I get a bit spiritual here, but I felt like Terry was trying to tell me something, even if it was something so simple as what to add to my jam.
The Nectarine~Basil Jam turned out fantastic. Maybe the best jam I've ever made.
I've been seeing this ruby-red color a lot lately. The previous night's sunset -- the day Terry passed -- was an unbelieveable color, so many different shades of red. Those who saw that sunset are still talking about it. We'll definitely be talking about our friend Terry, and how many lives he touched in so many ways, for ever.
Terry, a few weeks ago at his 60th "60's theme" birthday, wearing his favorite color, UW Husky purple. I am glad so many people were there to celebrate with him. He loved nothing better than being surrounded by friends & family.

Reader Comments (1)
what a wonderful story about MASON LAKE TERRY..............