Another great hostess gift: Perfection Apricots

She's the one who recently went above & beyond the call of duty, arranging delivery of gorgeous very hard-to-find fresh-picked Montmorency Sour Cherries from Wenatchee.
She's at it again.
On Tuesday she came to Seattle for the day, and she surprised me by bringing 80 pounds of "Perfection" Apricots along for the ride.
Her timing couldn't have been better.
I had just recovered from spending the better part of a week preserving the 65 pounds of Sour Cherries she sent me in 3 different shipments*. I mixed it up a bit and preserved them 10 different ways and gradually I'll blog about all the wonderful recipes I made with them. Everything from Syrup, to Preserves, to Jelly, and even Candied Sour Cherries.
Kelli is keepin' me very busy and very very happy at the same time.
*I feel I must give credit where credit is due. She actually sent 40 pounds "FedEx Overnight" the first time, but FedEx flubbed the delivery and they were ruined. So technically she's gifted me with a total of 105 lbs of Sour Cherries this year!