Quick & Easy Pickled Sugar Snap Peas

As promised, here are my ideas for putting up some of the *Sugar Snap Peas I scored at the "Farm at Waters Edge" U-Pick Farm this weekend. These are technically refrigerator pickles, because they are stored in the refrigerator, not in the pantry. (They aren't processed & sealed, so they won't be completely shelf-stable.)
This recipe can be put together in a matter of minutes, but you can keep on enjoying these Pickled Sugar Snap Peas for weeks.
First, wash and drain the peas.
While the peas are draining, mix up a simple brine by heating equal parts white wine vinegar & water plus equal parts sugar & salt, heating and stirring just long enough for the sugar and salt to dissolve, then set the brine aside to cool.
Example: for one pound of fresh sugar snap peas, use 1 1/2 cups white wine vinegar, 1 1/2 cups water, 1 TBS sugar, 1 TBS salt.
While waiting for the brine to cool, pack the beans into the jar.
I like to leave the stems and tails on. These are gorgeous organic peas, and I don't want to waste one little bit of them. The stems make great handles when serving too.
I like to place them in the jar vertically for two reasons:
1.) They look pretty in the jar.
2.) I can fit more into the jar if I keep them neat & tidy.
Next add some garlic, herbs and spices. You can just use your imagination here and tailor them to your own tastes. Some people like to add fresh whole or sliced chile peppers too.
Pour in the cooled brine.
Put a tight-fitting lid on the jar, stick the jar in the fridge, and there you have it, Pickled Sugar Snap Peas.
Garnish a Bloody Mary.
Eat them with crackers.
You can even re-use cute jars, like Bonne Maman jam jars, and give them as hostess gifts.
For a fun variation on flavors, try swapping out the white wine vinegar, and instead use rice wine vinegar, and add a spoonful of Furikake* which already contains ingredients perfect for pickling snap peas.
*This one is from Ajishima Foods, and contains Japanese horseradish, shaved bonito, Japanese mustard plant, seaweed, sugar, soy sauce, cooking wine and salt.

*You can substitute all sorts of vegetables for the Sugar Snap Peas and make these refreshing quick pickles all year 'round.
Ideas for quick pickles:
- Turnips, peeled and chunked, or cut into wedges
- Radishes, whole
- Carrots, peeled or not, and cut into carrot sticks
- Celery, cut into sticks
- Bell Peppers, cut into strips
- Cauliflower, cut into bite-size chunks
- Onions, thinly-sliced into rings
Or make a combination of two or more of the vegetables on the list!