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International Food Blogger Conference 2011 NOLA

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Do Your Pickles Glow In The Dark?

My friend Elaine posted this on my Facebook page, and it turns out it's true. Yes, I had to do a little research...I was so intrigued!


(If you don't believe me, check out the video at the end of this post.)

Elaine and her husband Bill are big fans of my pickles. Every since that weekend they came to visit and I enlisted their help in putting up 50 pounds of Blue Ribbon Dill Pickles, they've been hooked.

If I remember correctly, it went something like this:

Me: "Uh...I need your help before we eat dinner. Have you ever packed pickling cukes into jars?" 

Bill (and/or Elaine, my memory isn't the best): "Sure...we can help...what do you need us to do?"

I'm pretty sure when I wasn't looking they shrugged and exchanged eye rolls, especially after they saw the large washtub of cucumbers in ice water right outside the door.  After all, we invited them over for a BBQ, not manual labor. 

Everything went well. I'm pretty sure they actually enjoyed themselves, and besides, I sent them home with a couple jars for their trouble.

Fast-forward 3 months...I receive a text from Elaine.

The text went something like this: 


Now buy some steaks, invite some friends over and make Blue Ribbon Dill Pickle believers out of them!


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