I'm busy makin' bacon for Charcutepalooza!

My Pork Belly: 22 inches long, 10" wide and approx 9 pounds. Soon to be BACON.
Charcutepalooza's tag line is "The Year of Meat. It's a challenge amongst food bloggers (across the world!) to make one stellar charcuterie project every month for one year. The competition is tough; about 300 passionate -- and some might say "obsessed" -- food bloggers battling it out to create stunning examples of cured meats. Sure there are prizes, including a trip to France. There's also the possibility of fame & glory, as well as advancing a few rungs up the "ways-to-prepare-meat" ladder in your kitchen. But I think most of us are doing it simply because it's fun. The fact that you end up with some incredibly tasty charcuterie as a result is a bonus too, of course.
I decided to slice the Pork Belly into 4 pieces, and will use 2 different cures on 2 pieces each.