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Dilly Pickled Onion Slices on Punk Domestics

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International Food Blogger Conference 2011 NOLA

Entries in canning across america (4)


National Can-it-Forward Day


It's only one week away, and yours truly is going to be leading the "Canned  Fresh Tomatoes, packed in their own juice" demonstration.

I get to be a STAR for a day (or maybe just for an hour, but I'll take it.)

Hope you can join us!



Showcasing my bounty of Bings in a classic Cherry Compote


This spring I joined the group Canning Across America. Being a member comes with all sorts of perks, like spending quality time in a room with several other people who find talking about head space and boiling water baths as fascinating as I do. Our meetings are fun, informative, full of great stuff to eat, and well-organized thanks to Kim O'Donnel, who founded this nationwide group in Seattle in 2009.

Click to read more ...


It's Banana Jam, but's Monkey Butter!

Thanks to Canning Across America,

for making this their photo of the week.

Join the Canvolution on Twitter!


 Monkey Butter on a SMALL piece of toast - the "45 calories per slice" stuff

Click to read more ...


Ball 4 ounce jars. I can never have enough of 'em!

These jars are one of my very favorite things in the whole wide world.

I keep these stocked in my pantry for a few reasons. Their diminutive size makes them ideal for creating "sample" jars of recipes you are testing, and for gift-giving too. I'm a huge fan of small batch canning, and these jars are perfect for those smaller amounts of precious preserves that you want to stretch as far as possible. Listen, I know you worked hard to pick that pound of dandelions! Don't put your entire batch of delectable Dandelion Jelly in one pint (16 ounces) jar...divide it up into four (4 ounce) jars instead.

It's good to be able to share homemade preserves with your neighbors, friends & family, so when you see these small jars, buy a box of them.

Trust'll be glad you did.