Multitasking at Quillisascut Farm

This is one of those times when I didn't know someone was taking my pic. In fact, I didn't know about the pic until I happened across it while looking at my friend Janelle's Facebook page, Talk of Tomatoes.
I must say, I look remarkably clean for someone who didn't wash her hair for a week. I think I got about 4 days out of that shirt, too. When you're having the time of your life, making goat cheese, learning how to build a wood-fired oven (then baking the most divine breads in the world in that oven), pulling weeds, eating 3 phenomenal farm-to-table meals per day and then blissfully drifting on to sleep every night to the sounds of crickets and toads, you hardly care what your hair looks like.
More about Quillisascut Farmstead Cheese and School of the Domestic Arts soon!
Photo credit: Janelle Maiocco, of Talk of Tomatoes and Farmstr.