Roasted Rhubarb Ketchup

Updated on Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 9:19AM by
Brook Hurst Stephens
I've been making so many different recipes with rhubarb lately...
...if only I had the time to post about all of them today...sigh. For the sake of time management I decided to pick just one thing to blog about this morning and I opted for my current favorite: Roasted Rhubarb Ketchup.
Why did I choose this recipe? I think it's a remarkable achievement to turn something somewhat unusual like rhubarb into a common everyday condiment like ketchup. But this my friends, this is no ordinary ketchup. It has layers upon layers of flavors. Sweetness, spices,'s all here.
Dare I add it's pretty sexy too?
As sexy as a sauce made from petioles of oxalic acid can be.