The Last of the Seckel Pears, for now.

Blog post written and photo taken with iPhone...sorry for the photo quality today!
So I have 14 pounds of Seckel Pears to peel this morning...

I have attempted to share safe preserving methods however you alone are responsible for your health & safety in your own kitchen or location. Be aware of current safety recommendations. Please see "Full Disclaimer" page for suggested preserving resources.
Blog post written and photo taken with iPhone...sorry for the photo quality today!
So I have 14 pounds of Seckel Pears to peel this morning...
Updated on Friday, November 5, 2010 at 6:36PM by
Brook Hurst Stephens
Pints packed with Clove-Studded Seckel Pears in a spiced vinegar-based syrup.
I stumbled upon a heckuva deal at Metropolitan Market the other day.
Local just-picked Seckel Pears, $1.99 lb!