Horses Love Marionberries

Do you know about marionberries?
The marionberry was developed at Oregon State University in 1945 by crossing a Chehalem blackberry with a Olallieberry and named after Marion county in Oregon.
The marionberry is sometimes referred to as the "Queen of Blackberries" with a sweet, complex and rich earthy flavor that skirts that edge of bitterness found in many blackberries. Some people say they are seedless, but I don't know if that's technically correct. I do know the seeds are barely detectable when eating the berries, making marionberries almost too good to be true.
They have a short season here in the Pacific NW; they're usually only available in mid-late July. If you are ever lucky enough to find some, open your wallet and buy as many as you can afford. They are perfect for pies and preserves, and freeze beautifully.
Later that day I shared a handful of marionberries with my mare, Charlee...
...and I think you can plainly see, they passed Charlee's taste test with flying colors!