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International Food Blogger Conference 2011 NOLA

Entries in USA Pears (6)


Pear Honey


Have you ever heard of Pear Honey

It's an old-fashioned thing. You might be surprised to hear there's no honey involved. The only time bees were needed for this recipe were to pollinate the pears & pineapple, the two main ingredients in Pear Honey.

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Pickled Seckel Pears

 Pickled Seckel Pears

 This recipe features one of my favorite preserving methods: a simple technique known as quick pickling. There's no need for processing the jars in big kettles full of boiling water. No valves or gauges or thermometers or timers are involved.

You'll just need a jar with a tight-fitting lid. It's not necessary to use a Mason-type canning jar or a special sealing lid, as long as you store these Pickled Seckel Pears covered in your refrigerator.

Start with a tiny Seckel pear


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Easy Pear Mincemeat, without the meat!


Maybe the title of this blog post doesn't make sense to you, but please bear with me for a minute.

Some people don't realize traditional mincemeat usually contains beef and/or beef suet, and when they find out, they visibly cringe.

I adore "real" mincemeat, but it isn't realistic to think that all of my guests are carnivores. Normally holiday pies, cakes and tarts are "safe" foods for my vegetarian friends...

...and I don't want anyone unexpectedly eating meat when they indulge in my tasty little turnovers. This is why I've created a perfect vegetarian and vegan-friendly Pear Mincemeat recipe that captures the sweet & spicy essence of mincemeat without the meat.

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Simple steps to making Bosc Pear-Cranberry-Orange Sauce


A twist on tradition for your Thanksgiving table.



Start with fresh pears.

I used Bosc pears for this recipe, because they hold their shape beautifully when cooked, and because they taste wonderful. What better reasons do I need?

For the batch of Bosc Pear-Cranberry-Orange Sauce in the photo, I mashed the mixture toward the end of cooking; I'll show you what I mean later on in this blog post. If you prefer a chunkier sauce, you can skip the mashing step, and the chunks of Bosc pears will still be visible in the end result.

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Lemony-Ginger Pear Preserves

 I know, it's kind of a mouthful to say:

"Lemony-Ginger Pear Preserves"

But it's a mouthful for good reason; these preserves have it all. Layers of flavors and pleasing textures side-by-side in a truly magical combination. 

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Brown Sugar-Pear Butter

I had a difficult time deciding what to call my latest pear creation.  I really wanted to call it "The Best Brown Sugar~Vanilla Bean Pear Butter I've Ever Made" but it wouldn't fit in the title section.

First things first...start with ripe Bartlett pears.

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