Spice up your life with my Sweet~Hot Jalapeno Slices

First of all: Do I need to remind everyone to WEAR GLOVES? Latex, rubber, nitrile, vinyl...something to protect you from the Jalapeno peppers' capsaicin oils (specifically, the capsaicin oils binding with vanilloid receptors, all of which are odorless and colorless.) Jalapeno burns are nothing to mess around with.
Second tip: Be sure to prepare this recipe in a well-ventilated area, preferably with windows open and an exhaust fan on the HIGH setting. Making this recipe outside would be best; at least for the slicing step.
Important reminder: Pepper spray is made from peppers, and when the jalapeno pepper slices are simmering, your kitchen will quickly feel like a war zone if you don't take steps to prevent a build-up of spicy pepper steam in the air. Make sure there are NO children nor pets in the vicinity of the kitchen.
One last thought: Scrub the pan WELL after you are finished making the recipe. I apparently allowed some of the oils to remain last time (even though the pan appeared to be spotless) and my next batch of food made in the stockpot, Bolognese Sauce, was unexpectedly spicy. Or you could just use this "pre-seasoned" pan the next time you cook a a big batch of chili ;)
All this being said, please do give this Sweet~Hot Jalapeno Slices recipe a try.
You will make the Jalapeno pepper-lovers in your life so very happy.