Another use for jam...put it on plain yogurt!

Sometimes those of us who preserve get caught up in the moment.
One day I've got a lug of pretty "Perfection" apricots, and I end up making a 2 dozen half-pints of Perfection Apricot Jam.
The next day I forage for berries, and before I know it a full-to-the-brim basket of berries turns into 4 jars of Wild Red Huckleberry Jam.
Then "Delp Hale" peaches are in season, so it's Peach-Bourbon Jam...
...and so on.
In the coming months, I plan to share some of my many ideas for "using up" my growing collection of jam; the jam I make, the jam I've been given as gifts, or the jam I've traded jelly or pickles for at a food swap.
Here's my first jam suggestion:
A spoonful of apricot jam on a dollop of plain yogurt.
Simple, yet super-tasty and probably better for you than whatever they're putting in the bottom of your store-bought "flavored" yogurt.