The Tiniest Pickling Cucumber Ever!

That's right. It's a tiny cucumber. I found it in with my latest batch of pickling cukes and I couldn't resist snapping a photo of it.
This is your last reminder from me that pickling cucumber season is almost over. You'd better hurry up and get your fresh cukes and start pickling. Now. If you want to have to have a pickles in your pantry all year 'round, n-o-w is the time to get busy!
So far this year I've turned bucketfuls of cukes into Blue Ribbon Dills, Deli-style Dill Spears and Bread & Butter Pickle Slices and I know that here in Western Washington Duris Cucumber Farm will only have fresh-picked-daily pickling cucumbers for another week or two.
As the Roman poet Horace famously said "Carpe Diem".
Maybe I should say, "Carpe Cucumbers"!

Reader Comments (2)
Thats adorable. Sadly I think every batch of bread and butters I made this year turned out mushy. I've given up on making pickles for the year. Its just not worth the cost of finding good picklers at the local veggie stands.
Awwwww. Sad. I've had Bread & Butters turn out mushy once or twice but I think it's because I didn't let them sit in the salt & ice long enough first. (I have learned to never make pickles -- or anything else -- late at night when I am impatient and trying to rush the process.)
Maybe you can find a farm and get them the day you want to pickle them? Sometimes the pickles at stores and farm stands are a few days old and that is definitely not desirable.
I hope you have better luck next year. My friends who love Bread & Butter Pickle Slices don't even care if they turn out soft or "mushy" once in awhile...I think they just love that sweet & savory flavor.