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International Food Blogger Conference 2011 NOLA

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Keep Calm and Cowgirl Up.

Keep Calm and Cowgirl Up.

This might be my new mantra.

Charlee, getting a bath on a warm spring day.

Being a cowgirl means so many things to me. Shortly before I turned 50 last year, I bought a neglected not-yet-broke-to-ride rescue horse.
It was a BIG DEAL.

I hadn't ridden for 30 years (but prior to that spent many years riding & showing, so I wasn't a complete novice.) I knew what I was in for, or so I thought. I knew I would spend a lot of time teaching her things, but what I didn't know was, she would in turn teach me many things too.

I am on my way to the barn now, to spend time working with her; her name is Charlee, she's a 6 year old Paint mare, and she is the light of my life. Besides teaching me about myself, she makes me feel like a kid again. How awesome is that?

I just saw this list of things you can learn from working with your horse on Awaken Your Inner Cowgirl and I want to share them with you.

Can you relate?

Be Present: There is no time like the present. Look around, take it in and see what is really happening. Don’t “assume,” futurize or live in the past.

Be Congruent: Make sure that what you say is really what you feel. You can’t lie to a horse.

Have intention: When you communicate something, do it with clarity and focus. Otherwise people (and horses) get confused.

Buck the Rules: Actually, who’s making the rules anyway? Live the life you want to live – you’re allowed to buck if it feels good.

Demonstrate Leadership: Get people (and horses) to follow you because they want to, not because you demand, kick or tie them up.

Be patient: Change takes time, learning takes energy. “Take the time it takes.” – Ray Hunt

Develop a Soft Feel: Be flexible, soft, and stop bracing. Life can be fun, relaxed and easy going. Pushing on things does not get results.

Pay Attention: Notice what your intuition tells you; tune into what happens before what happens, happens.

Set Boundaries: Don’t let just anyone into your space. Choose the people you want to be with and the places and things you want to get involved with.

Create Partnerships: Work and play with people who share and people who are “with you” and “get you.”

Get Back In The Saddle: When you fall off, don’t give up. Accept that life will always be unpredictable, and get back in that saddle and try again.

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