Keep Calm and Cowgirl Up.

Keep Calm and Cowgirl Up.
This might be my new mantra.
Charlee, getting a bath on a warm spring day.
Being a cowgirl means so many things to me. Shortly before I turned 50 last year, I bought a neglected not-yet-broke-to-ride rescue horse.
It was a BIG DEAL.
I hadn't ridden for 30 years (but prior to that spent many years riding & showing, so I wasn't a complete novice.) I knew what I was in for, or so I thought. I knew I would spend a lot of time teaching her things, but what I didn't know was, she would in turn teach me many things too.
I am on my way to the barn now, to spend time working with her; her name is Charlee, she's a 6 year old Paint mare, and she is the light of my life. Besides teaching me about myself, she makes me feel like a kid again. How awesome is that?
I just saw this list of things you can learn from working with your horse on Awaken Your Inner Cowgirl and I want to share them with you.
Can you relate?