Slivers of Seville Oranges

More marmalade in the works.
One of these days I'll share what I've been working on with you, but for now, I am obsessed with making as many kinds of marmalade as I can, while it's still citrus season.

I have attempted to share safe preserving methods however you alone are responsible for your health & safety in your own kitchen or location. Be aware of current safety recommendations. Please see "Full Disclaimer" page for suggested preserving resources.
More marmalade in the works.
One of these days I'll share what I've been working on with you, but for now, I am obsessed with making as many kinds of marmalade as I can, while it's still citrus season.
iPhone camera + being in a hurry = blurry photo
What? You don't LOVE marmalade? It's okay. I didn't like it the first 5 times I tried it either. I don't think I liked it until I was about 25 really.
I'm going to admit it: once in a while, I eat commercially-made preserves. I have to tell it to you straight. I have been known to eat and actually enjoy the mass-produced stuff now & then.
6 pounds of "Nagami" Kumquats
Why do I love Kumquats so much?
Where do I start?
As some of you might know, I am obsessed with ORANGE. The color, the flavor, and the many types of citrus fruit in the orange family. I also like tiny versions of my favorite things. Miniature horses, bite-size candy bars and kumquats* all fill that bill.