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International Food Blogger Conference 2011 NOLA

Entries by Brook Hurst Stephens (166)


Lemony-Ginger Pear Preserves

 I know, it's kind of a mouthful to say:

"Lemony-Ginger Pear Preserves"

But it's a mouthful for good reason; these preserves have it all. Layers of flavors and pleasing textures side-by-side in a truly magical combination. 

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Pickled Wild Huckleberries

What do you need to make Pickled Wild Huckleberries?

Well, you're definitely gonna' need a few things, so I've made a short list and included some of my photos, as usual.

You'll need a good source for wild Huckleberries, of course. I foraged mine in Mason County in Washington State but you can buy frozen wild huckleberries online.

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Macerate your'll be glad you did.

Ever wonder what it means when one of my recipes suggests you macerate your fruit? Well first of all, it depends on whether you're using fresh or dried fruit for your recipe.

When macerating fresh fruit, the easiest way to great results is to sprinkle sugar over prepared fresh fruit, give it a little stir to be sure each piece of fruit is covered with the sugar, then let it sit for awhile, preferably overnight. The sugar will pull the naturally-sweet juices from the fruit, and the fruit's juices plus the sugar will create a gorgeous syrup.

Fresh Rhubarb, Orange Zest & Fresh Ginger Root 

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How To Preserve A Husband

I spotted this charming tray a couple weeks ago, while browsing my favorite online source for vintage goodies. 

I had to buy it.

One week later it arrived with the morning mail...

...yet I had no idea until I was washing the dust off that it was actually produced by Ball Canning Company.

You just never know what you're going to find on Etsy!


Pugs love Foraging!

Especially when we're walking through a forest and everywhere we look we see branches loaded with wild huckleberries.

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Brown Sugar-Pear Butter

I had a difficult time deciding what to call my latest pear creation.  I really wanted to call it "The Best Brown Sugar~Vanilla Bean Pear Butter I've Ever Made" but it wouldn't fit in the title section.

First things first...start with ripe Bartlett pears.

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Really? Rhubarb Drinking Vinegar? Yes please!

Updated on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 at 3:36PM by Registered CommenterBrook Hurst Stephens



I wrote about Drinking Vinegars and Shrubs last year, and I think they might be catching on, mainly because fewer people look at me strangely when I mention I'm making them.

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Vanilla-infused Rum

Want a great way to re-use a whole vanilla bean?

I often add a vanilla bean to my fruit preserves but I only need the intensely flavorful vanilla bean pod for the first step, when macerating the fruit & sugar mixture.

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Homemade 7 Day Sugar Plums



  Yes, I know. The first thing that probably pops into your head is the line from the beloved poem, "Twas the Night Before Christmas":

The children were nestled all snug in their beds, 

While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.

 I just finished a batch of 7 Day Sugar Plums, and now I think I know why those children couldn't sleep that night before Christmas. Knowing I have these in my pantry is practically keeping me awake too, thinking about what a sweet homemade gift these will be for the holidays.

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My first attempt at making Rose Hip Bitters



I've made bitters before, but this is my first try using rose hips as my main ingredient. I didn't have much to go on. No one I know has made them and I couldn't find much of anything by doing an internet search. So guided by my own instincts, plus a bit of past experience and using plenty of imagination, I think these Rose Hip Bitters are coming together quite nicely.

To make Rose Hip Bitters at home, you're going to need rose hips, preferably some nice healthy plump ones which are free of pesticides and hopefully free of pests too.

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Is it a tomato? Or is it a pear?



I have a handful of generous friends who never cease to amaze me. Last week Bill & Elaine brought me a nice big box of heirloom tomatoes from Ephrata, Washington, and I was delighted not just by the fact that they were incredibly delicious, but I had to do a double-take when I found this one. It looks just like a pear!

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Perfect Plum Jelly using the Steam Juice Extractor

My friend Mary brought me a big plastic tub full of plums from her neighbors' tree and they sure are delicious. Even my little Pug ShuMai couldn't resist their heady scent.

I moment I bit into the first plum I realized they were perfect. Freestones, the right amount of ripeness, full of flavor, and no bitter skins. I have so many of them I've decided to use them several ways. The first thing I did today was extract juice to make jelly. I also have plans to make Sugar Plums, Plum~Lemon Verbena Jam, and Plum Cordial. 

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